The Abortion Pill

Abortion pill

Finding yourself with an unplanned pregnancy can be distressing to say the least. If you’re considering the abortion pill, make an appointment today. We can provide you with information on your pregnancy, the abortion pill, and other abortion procedures so you can make a decision that’s right for you.

Options Care Center can provide or refer for onsite services such as: pregnancy tests, ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy and determine viability, and information on all your options, including information about the pill.

Know what abortion and pregnancy options and support are available to you before you decide.

Abortion Pill FAQ

What is the abortion pill?

The abortion pill is actually two pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) taken in two separate doses. You may also hear it called a medical abortion, chemical abortion, or medication abortion. It can cost anywhere between $400-$800.

How does it work?

The abortion pill is usually taken in early pregnancy (between 4-6 weeks) but has been given up to 70 days after a woman’s last menstrual period. The first pill works to cut off the nutrient supply by inhibiting the natural pregnancy hormone progesterone. The second pill causes cramping, expelling the fetus from the uterus. The abortion pill is not an option for people with certain medical conditions or if the pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus. A follow up is necessary 7-14 days after taking the abortion pill.

What if I’m in my second trimester?

At your appointment, Options Care Center can answer all your questions about second-trimester or late term abortion procedures as well as give you information for pregnancy options and resources throughout your pregnancy.


What’s next?

Schedule an appointment for a free pregnancy test, ultrasound, and options consultation. Arm yourself with knowledge so you can make a decision you will live well with.

Schedule Appointment




Options Care Center does not refer for nor perform abortions.